Laura Richards Art
Mixed Media Artist
Photo Imagery

noun; a collection of miscellaneous people or things. Created in 2017 a photograph framed and finished with a clear encaustic finish to further add a sense of depth to the image.

At the south end of Route One, Shelter Cove rests in the heart of the Lost Coast. A woven canopy with a folding metal ribcage and an ebony spine: Dear Umbrella prevails! Obstacles are not your undoing, and though exposure may set you adrift, you endure with triumph and resolve. Photograph 6" x 6" image mounted on 2" deep cradle board, covered with encaustic wax.

I saw this blossom floating blissfully in a thermal pool in Yellowstone. Like natures’ own Romeo and Juliette – two heated lovers whose time together is bittersweet. Photograph 6" x 6" image mounted on 2" deep cradle board, covered with encaustic wax.

The movement and shape of this anemone brought to mind the heart, and flame, as if it would be more at home in elements other than water. Composited photographic 6"x6" image mounted on 2" deep cradle board, covered with encaustic wax. Limited edition of 50, each individualized through the encaustic finish.

Some days seem muddied by what is underfoot, trapped in a frenzied world. But for me at least, it has been attention to dailiness that preserves the calm. When then there is a silence, the minds eye opens to the possibility of the worlds just under foot. Photograph 6" x 6" image mounted on 2" deep cradle board, covered with encaustic wax. Limited edition of 50, each individualized through the encaustic finish.

A retreat for the ebb and flow, leaving no wake. Here water lays reserved in the most holy part of its harbor oasis. Photograph 6" x 6" image mounted on 2" deep cradle board, covered with encaustic wax.

Furthest from the ocean shore, crowded together like titillating maids in waiting – waiting for a tumble with their sovereign Neptune, only after a few millennia to be tossed back ashore, black sand. Photograph 6" x 6" image mounted on 2" deep cradle board, covered with encaustic wax.

Sweet delicate posies, standing vigil, ever on the look out, springing eternal hope for the viewer who takes time to pause and admire. Photograph 6" x 6" image mounted on 2" deep cradle board, covered with encaustic wax.